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Nathalie Polfliet
14 août 20191 min de lecture
Cobalt Blue
Work of the day, I continue a little painting started maybe two years ago. At that moment it was the idea to create a series of wall...
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Nathalie Polfliet
13 août 20191 min de lecture
Work in progress
Still to the same client, this adorable princess and her parents another painting, the second one on the three. it start with the...
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Nathalie Polfliet
12 août 20191 min de lecture
Birth announcements - Faire-part de naissance
"This month of July i had the chance to create a birth announcements. I create eveything from illustration to the layout. Of course with...
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Nathalie Polfliet
18 avr. 20191 min de lecture
Une nouvelle dédicace
hello, sous ce soleil printanier aujourd'hui une nouvelle dédicace sèche avant que j'y ajoute mon petit croquis, quel animal étrange...
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Nathalie Polfliet
24 févr. 20191 min de lecture
First ligth of the season
As i say, here the first days of lightning of the year. With all the hope it can bewith a sunny sunday. In fact should have the newyear...
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